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Power Paint, the rising star of the electrostatic powder coating industry!
+90 (216) 290 26 89
Power Paint
Leather Organized Sub-Industry Zone YC-5 Parcel No:24 Tuzla/Istanbul/TURKEY
Power Paint produces special solutions for you, our beloved customers, regarding Electrostatic Powder Coating products. Power Paint: Your solution partner with its 100% yield supply concerning Electrostatic Powder Coating.
Type: Polyester is another outdoor product that is made with using polyester resin and primed hardener. It was developed as an alternative to Polyester/TGIC product. It is known that products containing TGIC must have significant labels according to EU norms; yet, there isn’t any labelling on Primed products. In general, they have similar properties with TGIC products. They are especially used in aluminium shaping industry for painting outdoor materials. They are Qualicoat certified products.
Usage: In general, it used in automobile parts and wood design transfer practices.
Surface Preparation: Surface must be cleansed from all dust, rüşt and oil before applying powder paint. In order to enhance durability, it had better be coated with iron phosphate, zinc phosphate, chrome phosphate and chromate. The coating which is chosen in terms of the material used and the job carried out will both provide material’s protection and get powder clung on the surface.
Application : It is used manually, with self-acting corona or tribo type electrostatic powder spray equipment.
Burning Period: Burning period is related to resin’s structure used inside product, yield of kiln and mass of piece. Recommended burning period is signified on concerning product labels (maximum heat values must be elaborated). The important thing is not heat treating of paint but the surface to be applied.
Security: Powder coating is inflammable despite being characterised as flammable. Flammation of powder/air mixture is 450-600 C°. For other security information, it is recommended to refer to safety data sheet prepared according to 91/155/UE instruction.
Package: It is inside 25 kgs of net weight boxes for standard products.
STORAGE: It is stored at least one year inside closed package at places which is dry and not exposed to direct sun rays with having temperature of maximum 35 C°.
With its wide range colours, epoxide is a synthetic resin having an antibacterial feature, being aesthetic, its chemical mechanic strength’s giving positive results due to monolithic appearance, being an ideal solution when antiskid and imperviousness are demanded; hardening and getting cured when it chemically reacts with a polyepoxide hardener or catalyser agent.
Having a lot of products, epoxide’s every option is produced and presented for different platforms and wall applications. Its usage fields are; drug factories, hospitals, operating rooms, food industry facilities and heavy industry buildings, playfields, squash halls, hotels, cold storages, potable water and waste water reservoirs, stores, offices and all production fields.
Forming a strong and permanent link with reinforced concrete. Putting up perfect resistance against very wide range of aggressive chemical substances. Providing accurate penetration of liquids. Enhancing impact and abrasion resistance with toughness, durability and flexibility. Procuring sanitary and easy-clean surface. Increasing resistance against cracking. Obtaining low coating density. Rapid practicability and curing to the extent of providing to inhibit practices at minimum level.
Epoxide Floorings;
*add decorative appearance to floor.
*are suitable concerning hygiene.
*are easy to erase and clean.
*adhere to old surface.
*are suitable for pedestrian, forklift and vehicle traffic.
Its usage areas can be listed like this, concerning its application style and product choice;
Textile Factories
Food Industry
Drug Factories
Car Services
Petro chemistry Facilities
Printing Houses
Bottling and Filling Facilities
Aircraft Sheds
Tyre Factories
Depots and Antrepots
TV Studios
Electronic Installation Fields
Beer and Wine Facilities
Plastic Industry
Food Factories
Terrace Surfacing
• In order for adhering outfits and bars; adhering stone, steel, aluminium and even wood.
• In Ferro concrete; in order for making crude metal with the aim of creating anchorage bars.
• In constructive links and repair works as a thin covering material on concrete, liquid, metal, ceramic, polyester and epoxide surfaces.
• In order for mounting prefabricate concrete elements and columns; repairing cracks and fractures.
• As a surface protection covering.
• In order for bonding fresh concrete to old hardened concrete or mortar as an adhesive resin.
• As a protection covering surface against corrosion.
• For trouble-free surface and tough manufactures in truss plaques, machine feet, connecting bolts, railway lines.
• With the aim of empowering structures in the event of load increment in wooden, masonry and concrete constructions; damaging and aging; making structural changes; design and manufacturing faults.
•In the joint of ground and wall ceramic coverings which will expose to chemical and mechanical effects; in swimming pools, laundries, hospitals and laboratories as a hard, waterproof and chemical resistant joint filling material.
• As a high-strength ground and wall paint.
• Under water manufacturing.
• In constructions, with the aim of adhering or injecting cracks and cavities of any reason.
The most widely used epoxide group is the group used for floor covering. The general features of epoxide floor covering can be listed as:
• It is durable against chemicals.
• It makes tough surfaces against friction and corrosion.
• It has wide range colours in decorative practices.
• It is easy-clean, sanitary.
• A non-skid surface is obtainable with the help of additional aggregate
• It is resistant against oil and chemicals.
• It is aesthetic.
• It is solvent free.
Epoxide, in general, is a product group that is used on the purpose of protecting concrete surfaces by means of creating a particulate covering platform, and for repairing and giving ornamental appearance. Because of its features, it is used with a day by day increasing demand in a very wide area of; tough, decorative, sanitary, having very high chemical and physical endurance, manufacturing surfaces which are harmless to human health during both its application and its afterward usage period.
The building sector’s day by day need for verging towards more scientific and technological methods imposes the products which are produced and practised by specialized scientific and technical staff, the chance and obligation of forming a basis for themselves by becoming further prevalent. Epoxide product group, in this context, will be much more recognized and used and will be the leading construction materials to be loved.
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